
Pagina 8 di Eventi nazionali ed internazionali dell'anno 2022 nell'agenda 333

15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs (DPP2022)15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs (DPP2022)17Mag20222022-05-1720Mag20222022-05-20De Doelen, Rotterdam, Paesi Bassi Google
14th EPIZONE Annual Meeting14th EPIZONE Annual Meeting18Mag20222022-05-1820Mag20222022-05-20World Trade Center, Barcelona, Spagna Google
Alltech ONE Ideas ConferenceAlltech ONE Ideas Conference22Mag20222022-05-2224Mag20222022-05-24Lexington, Kentucky, Stati Uniti Google
NASAAEP 2022 SummitNASAAEP 2022 Summit24Mag20222022-05-2426Mag20222022-05-26Minneapolis, MN, Stati Uniti Google
FMA CHINAFMA CHINA31Mag20222022-05-312Giu20222022-06-02National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), Cina Google
VIV Europe 2022VIV Europe 202231Mag20222022-05-312Giu20222022-06-02Jaarbeurs Exhibition Center, Utrecht, Paesi Bassi Google
VICTAM International 2022VICTAM International 202231Mag20222022-05-312Giu20222022-06-02Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, Paesi Bassi Google
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