
Alltech Rebelation Week

Lexington, KY, Stati Uniti
Alltech Rebelation Week

A celebration of all things entrepreneurship, business and marketing, and the role of science and agriculture: Mark your calendars for May 16-20 in Lexington, Kentucky, for Alltech’s “Rebelation” Week of innovation, inspiration and world-changing ideas. Experts and industry insiders from around the world will convene in Kentucky’s Bluegrass region to discuss strategies for transforming business, life and agriculture. Join us for our kickoff session with Coach Calipari, Pearse Lyons, and Declan Coyle as they talk about building a team, and a business. Sessions On: Saturday, May 16 Craft Brews & Food Fair Sunday, May 17 - Wednesday May 20 Aqua: Protein of the Future Pork: The Other White Meat Poultry Production & Marketing Coming Together Mergers & Acquisitions Crop Science Business & Marketing: Digital Marketing Business & Marketing: Rebuilding or Sustaining Your Business Craft Brewing & Distilling Human Capital The Food Revolution Presidents Club Monday, May 18 - Wednesday, May 20 The Future of Beef Dairy: Today's Greatest Business Opportunity *Speakers and topics are subject to change.

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