
Pagina 2 di Asia e Africa, Eventi dell'anno 2021 nell'agenda 333

FMA CHINAFMA CHINA15Set20212021-09-1517Set20212021-09-17China Import and Export Fair Complex - Guangzhou, Cina' Google
19th China International Meat Industry Exhibition 2021 (CIMIE 2021)19th China International Meat Industry Exhibition 2021 (CIMIE 2021)15Set20212021-09-1517Set20212021-09-17Qingdao Cosmopolitan Exposition, Cina Google
VIV Asia 2021 - RimandatoVIV Asia 2021 - Rimandato22Set20212021-09-2224Set20212021-09-24IMPACT, Bangkok, Thailandia Google
China (Chongqing) Animal Husbandry Expo26Set20212021-09-2628Set20212021-09-28Chongqing International Expo Center, Cina Google
Vietstock Expo and Forum 2021 - RimandatoVietstock Expo and Forum 2021 - Rimandato13Ott20212021-10-1315Ott20212021-10-15Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center (SECC) - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Google
EuroTier ChinaEuroTier China18Ott20212021-10-1820Ott20212021-10-20Chengdu Century City New International Exhibition Center, Cina Google
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