
Pagina 5 di Europa, Eventi dell'anno 2021 nell'agenda 333

72nd Annual Meeting of EAAP72nd Annual Meeting of EAAP30Ago20212021-08-303Set20212021-09-03Davos Klosters, Svizzera Google
ESVCN 2021ESVCN 20218Set20212021-09-0811Set20212021-09-11On Line, Portogallo Google
SPACE 2021SPACE 202114Set20212021-09-1417Set20212021-09-17Parc-Expo, Rennes, Francia Google
SEGES Summit 2021 - RimandatoSEGES Summit 2021 - Rimandato23Set20212021-09-2324Set20212021-09-24Copenhagen, Danimarca Google
NutriForum 2021NutriForum 202128Set20212021-09-2829Set20212021-09-29Lleida, La Llotja, Spagna Google
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