
Georgia Agro Forum - 2015

After rather long slowdown in development of the agricultural industry, Georgia has started gradually restoring its status of the agrarian country. Si, Georgia
Georgia Agro Forum - 2015

After rather long slowdown in development of the agricultural industry, Georgia has started gradually restoring its status of the agrarian country. Since 2013 the state support of agrarian sector of the economy has become the priority task for the Georgian government. Due to various government programs, the dynamics of agricultural sector development significantly increased. Reforms in the industry and cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia with international donor organizations contributes to investment raising in the reporting sector and establishment of new agrarian projects. Thus, during five recent years foreign investments in the agricultural sector of Georgia have grown in more than 2 times. Thus, during 5 recent years foreign investment inflow in the agricultural sector of Georgia increased in more than 2 times. For example, according to the statistics data, in 2014 the planted areas under agricultural crops increased by 3.8% compared with 2013, and up over 20% compared with 2010. At the same time, the production of fruits and vegetables is one of the most attractive segments for international investors, because Georgia has unique microclimate conditions. Therefore, during 8 recent years the potato harvest in Georgia has increased by almost one third, while the production of vegetables - up almost 7%. In the fruit segment the growing rates were even more significant: since 2006 the harvest volumes of major fruit and berry in Georgia have increased by almost 50%! Also, during five recent years the livestock sector demonstrated some positive trend. So, in 2010-2014 period the heads of livestock (cattle, pigs, sheep) and poultry increased by 16%. The positive dynamics of agricultural sector development allows to Georgia to extend its international cooperation and increase the foreign trade volumes with agricultural commodities. Thus, in 2014 the exports of Georgian agricultural products increased by 6.7% compared with 2013. Georgia has a unique microclimate and purity of nature, and has all opportunities to cultivate a wide range of agricultural crops and produce high-quality commodities. The government support, investments, modern technologies and international cooperation will allow to Georgia to ensure food security of the country, and increase its presence on the global agricultural market. APK-Inform Agency invites you to discuss development prospects of the agricultural sector of Georgia, its investment attractiveness, and international experience, within frames of the international conference Georgia Agro Forum 2015, to be held on November 19 in ExpoGeorgia, Tbilisi.

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