
USDA "African Swine Fever: What You Need to Know"

Mercoledì29Giu20222022-06-292022-06-29 Google
USDA "African Swine Fever: What You Need to Know"

Do you know how to guard against African swine fever? People can’t get this deadly virus, but if a single case was detected in the U.S., it could devastate America’s swine population, pork industry, and farming communities. Tune into our virtual event to hear an expert panel explain biosecurity best practices and control measures we must put in place to safeguard our swine. Dr. Jack Shere - APHIS Administrator Pete Thome - Hog Producer, Thome Family Farms Jamee L. Eggers, M.Sc. - Producer Education Director, Iowa Pork Producers Association Dr. Anna Forseth - Director of Animal Health, National Pork Producers Council Because African swine fever can have up to a 100% mortality rate, it will take immediate action from every pork producer, farmer, backyard pig owner and swine veterinarian to guard against this deadly foe. Join us and do your part to protect our pigs. 

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