
VICTAM Ukraine 2014

International Exhibition Centre (IEC), Kiev, Ucraina
VICTAM Ukraine 2014

Animal Farming Ukraine 2014 is the only dedicated event for the animal farming business in Ukraine. Until now, animal farming as a sector has always been incorporated within broader agricultural exhibitions. However Animal Farming Ukraine 2014 will present the entire range of products in the field of animal farming and the directly related businesses. The Ukraine is an important potential supplier of meat to Western Europe. The Ukraine with its low labour costs and huge agricultural sector is able to produce animal feeds at a low cost. This, and the fact that the Ukrainian livestock market is rapidly developing, means that there is a huge potential for Western suppliers in all sectors specifically related to animal farming; from feed manufacturing technology, equipment & ingredients, to farm equipment, slaughter equipment and meat processing, packaging and handling - in other words, the entire "from stable to table"-chain. The FIAAP & VICTAM Ukraine Pavilion will once again showcase international suppliers to the first step of this specialist chain: animal feed manufacturing in all its facets. The key product areas for the FIAAP & VICTAM Ukraine Pavilion are technology, equipment, ingredients & additives for animal feed production, grain & raw material processing, feed & grain storage, preservation and transportation, and last but not least, biomass technology.

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