Gregory W. Stevenson
Iowa State University - Stati Uniti AutoreCurrent
Professor of Veterinary Pathology
Senior Diagnostic Veterinary Pathologist
Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Ames, IA
Academic Record
Iowa State University: DVM 1979, MS (pathology) 1981, PhD (pathology) 1990
American College of Veterinary Pathologists, diplomat, 1991
Diagnostic Veterinary Pathologist, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Purdue University, 1990-2008, Head of Pathology 2005-08
Purdue University, Asst. Prof. 1990-94, Assoc. Prof. 1994-2000, Prof. 2000-08
Iowa State University, Prof. 2009-ad oggi.
Other Employment
General Veterinary Practitioner, Veterinary Associates, Victor, IA, 1981-1984
Specialty Swine Practitioner, Northwest Veterinary Associates, Ireton, IA, 1984-1985
Vice President - Production and Research, NOBL Laboratories, Sioux Center, IA, 1985-1987
Selected Honors and Awards
Gamma Sigma Delta Sophomore Scholarship Award of Merit for the Highest Cumulative Grade Point Average in the College of Agriculture, Iowa State University, 1975
Burton C Thompson Award for Integrity and Scholarship, Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine, 1976
CL Davis Graduate Research Award in Veterinary Pathology, Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine, 1990
Service Award from National SPF Swine Accrediting Agency, Award Recognizing Outstanding Service to SPF Swine Producers and the Swine Industry, 1995
Howard Dunne Memorial Award, AASV, for outstanding contributions and service to the U.S. swine industry, 2008.
Curriculum attualizzato: 30-Apr-2020