Commitment to low mortality rate

In a world where sustainability and animal welfare are at the top of the agenda, it is crucial that agricultural companies take responsibility.

The latest report from SEGES, the leading knowledge and innovation center for agriculture in Denmark, has shed light on a significant challenge in the pig industry.

According to SEGES' annual report for 2022, the mortality rate among piglets in Denmark was an alarming 23.3%, meaning that around 27,000 piglets lost their lives every day. This statistic has sparked a national debate and led to political calls for changes in the industry. At Danish Genetics, we take these challenges seriously. Our data shows a significantly lower mortality rate among pigs compared to the national standard. With an impressive average of below 18% from our customers, we are setting a new standard for the industry.

Our approach

At Danish Genetics, our approach to breeding is holistic. We prioritize not only the health of the piglets but also their overall well-being. By focusing less on the size of the litter and more on the health of the individual, we have managed to optimize both survival and growth. This is achieved through careful monitoring and data collection around birth weight, viability, and the number of functional teats. 

Compliance with legislation

Our work is fully in compliance with the government's rules and standards. We believe that responsible and sustainable farming can go hand in hand with economic viability. By improving animal welfare, we ensure a more sustainable future for both agriculture and our society. Danish Genetics is more than a company; we are a visionary leader in an industry facing significant challenges. Our commitment to responsible breeding is a step towards a more sustainable and ethical future for the pig industry in Denmark.


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