IDEXX CSFV Ag Serum Plus Test

The IDEXX CSFV Ag Serum Plus Test is an antigen capture ELISA detecting the Erns protein of the virus

Classical Swine Fever (CSFV)

* Availability / Distribution: Outside the U.S.

Antigeni diagnostici

The new ELISA has high sensitivity and specificity compared to previous Ag ELISAs on the market, and it is comparable to PCR testing of individual samples.

Test details


  • Serum, plasma, short and overnight protocol
  • Part numbers and sizes: 99-40939 (2 plates/strips)
  • * Availability / Distribution: Outside the U.S. 

About Classical Swine Fever (CSFV)

Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV), Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV), and Border Disease Virus (BDV) are the 3 members of the genus Pestivirus within the family Flaviviridae. CSFV causes serious losses in the pig industry since it is highly contagious and pathogenic, and can cause widespread deaths. Pigs infected with CSFV may shed a high amount of virus before showing clinical signs of the disease. If animals survive an acute or sub-acute infection they develop antibodies or become chronically infected, a situation where pigs excrete the virus intermittently or continuously until death. In pregnant sows, CSFV is able to cross the placenta and infect fetuses. It causes abortions, fetal mummification and stillborns; if the infection occurs mid gestation (~50-70 days of pregnancy), weak or persistently viremic piglets can be born. These persistently infected piglets are able to spread the virus, due to the absence of an immune response. Occasionally pigs may be infected with BVDV or BDV. These infections in pigs are usually mild and self-limiting, but it is important to identify them from the CSFV infection.


* Not all products are available and/or registered in every country.

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