LIVISTO participated in PorciFORUM, presenting some new solutions

The last 23rd and 24th of March, LIVISTO was one of the sponsors of PorciFORUM. It is one of the main events of the Spanish pork sector which is held annually in Lleida (Spain).

During the two days of presentations many important current issues concerning the sector were discussed, such as the imminent withdrawal of zinc oxide, the situation of the raw materials market, and the new challenges of animal welfare among others.

From LIVISTO, we focus on providing solutions to these relevant issues and in this forum, we presented three different products.

    - OPTI IRON, an oral solution with iron that ensures a good start of the animals at weaning. Additionally, it contains organic acids and dextrose.

   - RECOFAST ENTERICUM, a natural option for helping the prevention and management of diarrhea at weaning.

     - ESPECTINOMICINA 300 GANADEXIL, a first line antibiotic for diarrheas caused by E. coli and the only aminoglycoside categorized in GROUP D.


Our sales representatives and the Livestock Product Manager were both days assisting to all our partners, customers, and visitors at the stand, presenting the 3 products, as well as the wide LIVISTO catalog for pigs.

The LIVISTO group thanks the organization of PorciFORUM for the support received before and during the event, and for the opportunity to sponsor a congress with such a great repercussion in Spain. We would also like to thank, above all, the presence of all those who came to visit us. We hope to see you all again next year!

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