Ti invitiamo a partecipare al webinar gratuito sul tema dell’importanza delle prime fasi di vita nell'allevamento dei suinetti.
Insieme a Pig Progress, Trouw Nutrition organizza un webinar esclusivo durante il quale esperti del settore presenteranno tecnologie innovative nell’ambito dell'allevamento dei suinetti.

Il webinar sarà in lingua inglese; la partecipazione è gratuita.
Programma e speaker dell'evento
Presentazione 1:
Cutting-edge diet formulation for piglets
Neil Jaworski, Head of Nutrition, Formulation and Animal Modeling, Trouw Nutrition
The importance of kinetics of protein digestion and dietary fiber fermentation
In stressful situations the rate of digestion slow-down, and overall digestibility may drop. This could result in...
Presentazione 2:
Innovative ParticleCheck Technology for Enhanced Stomach and Intestinal Functionality
Wim Lannoy, Swine nutritionist, Trouw Nutrition Belgium
When working on piglet care and health, addressing gut functionality is in most of the case considered as.....
Presentazione 3:
NEW: The Milkiwean Vital Start Program.
The precision strategy for piglet nutrition and health.
Tijl Vanmeenen, Technical Sales Manager Young Animal Feed Swine in Europe & Central Asia (ECA) region.
Milkiwean Vital Start Program delivers innovative tailored solutions and services designed to guarantee the best vital start in life and to......
Trouw - marzo 2025