
Porktrade: novità sui rapporti con DanAvl...

Nuovi accordi commerciali tra Porktrade e DanAvl....

30 Ottobre 2016

porktradeCopenhagen, 27th October 2016

PorkTrade and Rosgaard A/S becomes part of the new DanAvl.


For more than 100 years now, a dedicated focus on maximizing the pig producer's return on investment has made DanAvl one of the leading pig breeding programmes, world-wide.
DanAvl has been working on a major restructuring for a while now, and the work towards the implementation of a new business model continues. “We are looking to create greater value for customers, partners and suppliers. We have great expectations to the new business model which supports a marked shift towards a much more customer oriented focus.” says Managing Director for Danish Pig Research Centre, Claus Fertin.
Claus Fertin continues: “The international business model is developing rapidly. Italy is a very interesting market for us, and we have recently signed a letter of intent which states that Rosgaard A/S, including PorkTrade as a subagent, becomes agent on the Italian market, once the new company commences operations.”

Lars Rosgaard of Rosgaard A/S is very excited about this development: “We are extremely happy to be part of the forthcoming DanAvl structure and we look forward to a mutually rewarding collaboration.”
The work towards the establishment of the right model for the Danish domestic market is still underway. The owners of DanAvl are working closely with The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority in making sure that the new company structure adheres strictly to current competition regulations.
For current customers, it’s business as usual until further notice. Sale of DanAvl breeding material continues through a number of authorized channel partners until the implementation of the new structure.

Porktrade - ottobre 2016

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