Peste Suina Africana (PSA)

World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) (2025). – Retrieved on 2/3/2025 from Data extracted by 333corporate, S.L.. WOAH bears no responsibility for the integrity or accuracy of the data contained herein, but not limited to, any deletion, manipulation, or reformatting of data that may have occurred beyond its control. For some events, incorrect data have recently been detected in the figures containing the quantitative information of the outbreaks. WOAH is currently undertaking considerable efforts to solve these issues at the source and provide a dataset that is fully consistent with that reported by countries. The remaining fields of the table are not impacted by these issues. We will keep our users informed as the situation develops.

 Descrizioni della malattia nella sezione Guida alla Malattie

 Foto della malattia nell'Atlante di Patologia


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Guida alle Malattie

Descrizioni delle malattie e condizioni più importanti nei suini.

Atlante di Patologia

Lesioni e sintomi delle principali malattie dei suini